DIY Essential Oil Recipes

Some of my favorite natural DIY recipes:

Counter spray:

  • 1/2 C vinegar
  • 3 C water
  • 10 drops lemon EO

Why do people make their own products? I find it fun and amusing to play test kitchen- but also comforting to know the ingredients in my home. Our skin is our largest organ and absorbs everything in our environment.

Owie soother:

  • 1 drop Frankincense EO
  • 1 drop Lavender EO
  • 1 drop Melaleuca EO
  • 5 ml Fractionated Coconut Oil

Do you have toxicity around the home? There is a phenomenon known as synergistic toxicity that can cause nasty health effects which are tricky to pinpoint. It occurs when two or more chemicals create a greater toxic load and worse health problems than the sum of either two chemicals alone. Typical culprits are fragrances, preservatives, dyes, chemicals like chlorine, metals like aluminum and endocrine disrupters like plastics.

Essential oils are awesome for replacing chemical filled products for cleaning and skincare because they are nourishing to cells, natural degreasers and kill germs without being poison. Even diluted poison is poison.

Hair bug repellent:

  • 3 drops Rosemary EO
  • 3 drops Clove EO
  • 2C water

Essential oils are natural aromatic chemicals that are steam distilled or cold pressed from plants and trees.  Since the oils are tiny, fat-soluble molecules, they can easily move through our cell walls without inflaming an immune response.  Once inside the cell they destroy both bacteria and viruses.  There’s nothing at the doctors office that helps with a cold but oils do. Reach out to me if you would like to see my fast start essential oil video and learn more.